A wooden figurine of a magician offers a lot of opportunities for an imaginative play. A wooden figurine of a magician...
Gorillas are calm and strong just as our wooden toy. Gorillas are used to eating plants, leaves and fruits. Your child can share an apple or a small piece of broccoli with his or her new wooden toy. Gorillas are calm and strong just as...
This lovely wooden fairy house will become a great addition to any waldorf play space. This lovely wooden fairy house will...
In real life sharks are dangerous predators, but our wooden toy is quite harmless. It's interesting that a shark does not need to brush its teeth but the child has to. In real life sharks are dangerous...
Elephants are calm and majestic animals - your child can give exactly this traits of character to his or her new wooden toy. By the way, the head of an elephant’s family is grandmother. And what about your family? Elephants are calm and majestic...
Ara parrots may be called the most beautiful birds on the planet, and we tried to make our toy as beautiful as a real bird. Ara parrots may be called the most...
A pterodactyl is one of the most famous creatures of the past, and you certainly can find it in our collection. A pterodactyl is one of the most...
Thanks to the wooden figure of the protoceratops your child can play with a formidable creature that lived on Earth many millions of years ago. And he or she does not even need a time machine! Thanks to the wooden figure of the...
Swans are graceful birds, this trait is also preserved in a wooden toy. A toy swan can become an inhabitant of a forest lake and Swans are graceful birds, this trait...
Donkeys are very stubborn animals, and your child can give this trait to his or her new wooden toy. Donkeys are very stubborn animals,...
You can find a wolf in many fairy tales, so the space for games with a wooden toy is not limited. The child chooses whether to make the wolf a villain or a hero. You can find a wolf in many fairy...
This wooden snake looks very calm and friendly. Your child can imagine that he or she is a snake charmer and make a little performance for you. Did you know that in such performances snakes respond to movement and not to the sound? That is a fact worth sharing with your little one. This wooden snake looks very calm and...